
December 14, 2020 — Chantilly, VA — 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行获得了一份不确定交付/不确定数量合同,最高金额为496美元,000,000 by Washington Headquarters Services.  The company will provide the range of research, development, 测试和评估所需的技术和工程服务,以协助国防部副部长办公室(OUSD)的研究和工程(R&E)完成其使命,创造创新的作战技术和先进的能力,以维持美国的战略目标.S. technological superiority. 

根据合同条款,网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行将支持usd (R)的任务&E)作为首席技术官,促进整个国防部的技术优势,确保美国作战人员的优势. The OUSD (R&E) enterprise is composed of the Directorate of Defense Research and Engineering for Advanced Capabilities; the Directorate of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology; the Directorate of Defense Research and Engineering for Modernization; and 11 modernization priority areas (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Autonomy, Biotechnology, Cyber, Directed Energy, Fully Networked Command, Control & 通信、高超声速、微电子、空间、量子科学和5G网络技术).

“我们很自豪能够为我们的客户提供高技术的专业知识,通过提供我们的战略解决方案来满足他们的任务要求,” said Peter Smith, President and CEO of AMERICAN SYSTEMS. “这是我们的能力与国家优先项目保持一致并使usd (R)成为可能的又一个例子&E)加速概念转化为能力——我们知道什么是利害攸关的.”

Washington Headquarters Services, the contracting activity, is a Department of Defense Field Activity, created on October 1, 1977, 为多个国防部组成部分和国家首都地区及其他地区的军事部门提供行政和管理支持.